Tips to Make Your Résumé Standout

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A résumé is the first impression you give a hiring manager.  In order for a them to have a thorough look at your résumé, it must stand out.  In light of this, here are four tips to ensure your résumé stands out:

  1. Tailor your résumé
  2. Make your résumé concise
  3. Use clickable links
  4. Ensure your résumé is visibly pleasing

Tip – Tailor Your Résumé

When you tailor your résumé to the role and company you are applying to, your résumé stands out.  For this case, you should make sure that the experience listed on your résumé is aligned with the job requirements while omitting experience that isn’t aligned, indicates that you understand the job and its requirements.  Use statements in your objective that indicate that you have an in depth knowledge of the company so you can catch the eye of the hiring manager.  Here’s an example of a well-written objective: “I have followed Company X on social media for two years. My own values are closely aligned with your company’s values of community involvement and mentorship. This can be illustrated by my involvement with our city’s Inner-City Youth Mentorship Program. I am eager to continue to live these personal values as a member of your team and representative of your company.”

Tip – Make Your Résumé Concise

Hiring managers are busy. It’s important to realize that during the recruitment process, they often do not have the of time to sift through multiple pages of information on candidates.  In order to ensure your résumé stands out, you should use a one-page résumé format that lists only relevant experience.  When listing your experience, you should focus on what stands out in terms of your skills and education as compared to the competition.

Tip – Use Clickable Links

Because concise résumés stand out, a great way to provide the hiring company with more in-depth details about your experience and education is to provide a clickable link to your LinkedIn profile.  You can also share links to work samples that showcase your talents that are relevant to the job you are applying for.

Tip – Ensure Your Résumé is Visually Pleasing

A visibly pleasing résumé stands out.  In other words, it needs to look good! To look good, a résumé must:

  • Be written in a simple and clean font like Times New Roman or Calibri
  • Set the font size to 11 or 12.
  • Use a colour scheme that is professional and includes only black, white, and one other colour.
  • Microsoft Office offers a large selection of résumé templates that you can customize.

Taking the time to ensure your résumé stands out will give you a competitive edge as a job seeker.

Dawn Hillrud is the owner of Kn/a Sourcing People™ and one of our lead recruiters. Dawn lives our motto: “Connecting Good People with Good Companies”. If you’d like to connect with Dawn and find out what Sourcing People™ can do for you, you can email Dawn here. To read more about Dawn and our other recruiters, visit

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